Our transformation

We are embarking on the biggest change in LKAB's 130-year history. Together, we have taken the lead in the global transformation of the iron and steel industry. We will set a new world standard for mining, develop carbon-free processes and extract critical minerals.

The greatest transformation in our 130-year story is also the largest industrial project in Swedish history.
We will contribute to reduced global carbon-emissions corresponding to Sweden’s entire emissions today.
We have secured mineral assets that guarantees the future for ourselves and our region beyond 2060.
Aerial view of Kiruna.

Our strategy

Based on our vision and mission, our strategy paves the way for zero carbon-dioxide emissions from our own processes and products by the year 2045.

Drönarbild och bilväg och järnväg bredvid varandra, mot horisonten.

Environmental permits crucial

Our chances of succeeding with the green transition rely on faster, more efficient, and more predictable permitting processes.

Flygbild över industriområde

Pioneering facility being built in Gällivare

The industrialisation of the HYBRIT technology begins in Gällivare, where plans are being made for a first plant for production of 1-1.5 million tons of carbon dioxide-free sponge iron.

View of snowy mountains.

Our contribution to the climate

Our mining and processing are already among the most climate-efficient in the world, but we will improve even further for the future of our planet.

Plant with HYBRIT sign.

What is Hybrit?

Within the Hybrit collaboration, we are joined by SSAB and Vattenfall in revolutionising our industry. We will use fossil-free electricity and hydrogen to produce steel.