LKAB announces 2021 grant recipients

Each year LKAB awards an athletics grant and a culture grant to promising talents and people who have achieved success in the respective areas. This year's culture grant goes to Twin City Choir in Gällivare and the athletics grant goes to Malmbergets AIF's women's hockey team.
“I am very pleased to announce that LKAB has awarded this year’s athletics and culture grants to Twin City Choir and MAIF’s women’s hockey team,” says Jan Moström, LKAB’s President and CEO.
For more than 10 years Twin City Choir in Gällivare has provided young vocalists with an opportunity to develop and given audiences many memorable experiences, not least through its annual and much-appreciated Lucia Concerts. Twin City Choir is engaged in charitable work and the singers select repertoires that demonstrate great social commitment.
The MAIF women’s hockey youth programme for girls has created the conditions for players from eight years of age and upwards to practice and play ice hockey on their own terms. Despite restrictions due to the pandemic and a limited amount of ice-time in arenas, the club has persisted and attracted a large number of participants who have not hesitated to take part in tough practice sessions on outdoor rinks and on Vassaraträsket. This says much about the level of interest, motivation and willpower that can lead the club to great successes in the future.
LKAB’s athletics and culture grants, each amounting to 75,000 kronor, have been awarded since 1984. Nominations are from LKAB’s employees and the recipients are designated by LKAB’s group management.
Contact: Tina Benson, General Manager Corporate Communications. Tel: 46 (0) 980 710 85. E-mail:
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