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Section manager Mining Technology – Ventilation

LKAB has taken a leading role in creating the mines of the future where, through increased automation, digitization, and new working methods, we create the opportunity for significantly increased productivity. We are now looking for a Section manager Mining Technology – Ventilation who will ensure progress together with the operations. 

Ort: Malmberget, Kiruna, Svappavaara Kontor
Anställningsform: Tillsvidare
Ansök senast: 2025-04-13

Shaping the future 

At LKAB, we are leading the transformation of our industry toward a sustainable future. Just as we aim to reshape the world, we are committed to developing every individual on our team, both personally and professionally.  

Are you ready to help shape the future of the mining and mineral industry? 

Your Role 

As Section manager Ventilation you will play a key role in driving the strategic work within ventilation. You will lead a dynamic and competent group of both junior and experienced engineers, responsible for developing a long-term ventilation strategy that supports both current and future mining operations. 


As section manager, you have overall responsibility for both personnel and operations within your section. You are part of the management team for Mining Technology and report directly to the department manager. Your team consists of approximately 5 employees, spread across our various operational locations. 

The department’s mission is to provide innovative and sustainable solutions to optimize current operations and ensure our future mining operations. 

What you bring  

To thrive and succeed in the role, you need to be able to work independently and drive development with a holistic perspective. Your leadership, grounded in Ett LKAB, is characterized by clarity, trust, and collaboration, where safety is always the highest priority. 

You inspire and engage others, drive change, and develop both the business and employees. With a focus on structure and long-term planning, you build strong collaborations and a safe working environment. Leadership experience is meritorious, but it is your ability to motivate and implement improvements that makes a difference. 

In addition to this, you need to have: 

What we offer: 

A stimulating and challenging job, working on cutting-edge issues. You will be part of a competent and committed team who together shape the future of the mining and minerals industry. In addition, you will also receive: 

Does this sound exciting? 

Then we are curious to know more about you! Submit your application by April 13th. We welcome your application at your earliest convenience, as we assess and interview candidates continuously. 

For more information about the position, please contact Erika Fagerlönn 

Start: According to agreement 

Employment type: Permanent 

Location: Luleå / Kiruna / Malmberget / Stockholm 

Scope: Full time 

Union representatives 



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Mer om LKAB

LKAB är en internationell gruv- och mineralkoncern med norra Sverige som bas och hela världen som arbetsplats. Vi leder vägen mot koldioxidfri produktion och vi gör det tillsammans – i en öppen, varm och säker arbetsmiljö med teknologi och utveckling i fokus. Vi välkomnar utmaningar, innovativa idéer och initiativförmåga, alltid med jämställdhet och mångfald i fokus.