Development Engineer in Automation & Robotics

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Are you driven by new technology and curious about how automation and robotics can be implemented in the mining industry? We are looking for a new team member in the field of automation and robotics who can help drive and develop LKAB’s future in these areas.

Your role

Our department Automation & Power (JTTE) leads and develops technical- and process development within the field of automation and power on a strategic level. Development is performed in close collaboration with our internal stakeholders, and our tasks are organization-wide. As a Development Engineer, you will work with technology and processes in their early stages, contributing to our efforts to strengthen our team in the area of instrumentation. Key concepts such as digitalization, automation, robotics, and systems integration are central.

In your role, you will maintain close dialogue with internal stakeholders and collaborate closely with external companies. The work can be carried out in the form of smaller self-steering teams, as well as teams consisting of colleagues from other business units. You also drive smaller projects in a project leading role. We believe it’s crucial that you don’t work alone on tasks; teamwork strengthens both individuals and groups. It is essential that you are curious, driven, and responsive.Some of your main tasks will include:

Your qualifications

We are looking for someone who is driven, structured, creative, and easily gets engaged and motivated by challenges and new technology. We see that you have an engineering degree, and preferably previous experience with advanced process control or highly automated processes. However, if you are a recent university graduate in this field, driven by new technology and able to take initiative, you would still be a great fit. Fluency or high proficiency in spoken and written English is important, as is the ability to cooperate well in team structures.It is an advantage if you have previous experience and expertise in the technical area of handling instruments. We believe you want to develop the way of working with future sensor technology, steering systems, advanced process control and automated processes. You envision the opportunities within digitalization and automation and how they can drive and develop future production processes.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, please do not hesitate to apply!

Additional information

The application period is open until the end of August 18th.

The job is based in Malmberget, in the Gällivare municipality. Malmberget is located in Swedish Lapland above the Arctic Circle, offering great opportunities for fantastic outdoor activities both in summer and winter. For more information, please visit the website Visit Gällivare (English) | Gällivare kommun (

For more information about the role, please contact our hiring manager Sofia Lennartsson (, +46 70 267 96 47).

Union representatives: Ledarna, Christer Olofsson (+46 970-76584), SACO, Annika Taavoniku (+46 970-79532), Unionen, Katarina Paganus (+46 970-76298).


LKAB är en internationell gruv- och mineralkoncern med norra Sverige som bas och hela världen som arbetsplats. Vi leder vägen mot koldioxidfri produktion och vi gör det tillsammans – i en öppen, varm och säker arbetsmiljö med teknologi och utveckling i fokus. Vi välkomnar utmaningar, innovativa idéer och initiativförmåga, alltid med jämställdhet och mångfald i fokus.

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