Department Manager, Mining Technology

Kiruna, Malmberget
Ansök senast

LKAB faces a number of interesting challenges in stabilizing and optimizing today’s production systems in parallel with developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the transformation of our industry.

The Mining Technology Department is part of the Transformation Staff, which enables today’s and tomorrow’s steel production by developing processes, new technologies and future production systems in order to stabilize, optimize and transform LKAB’s operations.

Your role

We are seeking a leader for our mining technology department, tasked with developing innovative and sustainable solutions for the mines of today and the future.

The mining technology department is in an expansive phase and is building capacity to drive a number of challenging assignments that are critical for continued mining towards depth.

You will oversee the advancement of working practices, health and safety, ensuring alignment with leadership’s vision and the strategic business objectives. You will be supported by a diverse team of skilled engineers and scientists, with additional assistance from HR and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) resources.

You work closely with the management of technology development within LKAB and are part of the management team for the Transformation Staff. You will report directly to the Head of Transformation.

Location: Kiruna or Malmberget, both located in Swedish Lapland above the Arctic Circle. Great opportunities for fantastic outdoor activities both in summer and winter time exist. For more information, please visit the website Startsidan – Kiruna Lappland ( and/or Visit Gällivare (English) | Gällivare kommun (

Your qualifications

You are passionate about technology development and excel at leading through your team. With a strong customer focus, you consistently deliver results.

Your leadership experience in industrial operations is well-documented, enabling you to guide multicultural teams toward common goals effectively. You have a deep understanding of the processes and methods involved in large-scale underground mining at significant depths and are aware of its unique challenges.

You thrive in collaborative environments, valuing close interactions with others, and possess strong communication and interpersonal skills. Additionally, you hold a relevant degree in civil engineering or an equivalent qualification.

Other information

Submit the application as soon as possible but no later than 2024-08-15. Please note that we do not accept applications by e-mail.

If you would like to know more about the position, do not hesitate to contact:

Jan Lundgren, Head of Transformation, e-mail

Union representatives


Unionen, Sakari Alanko, 0980-725 08, Akademikerföreningen, Peter Johansson, 0980-718 79, Ledarna, Ingegerd Kyrö, 0980-710 50


Unionen Södra Katarina Paganus, 0970-762 98, SACO-klubben Södra – Annika Taavoniku, 0970-795 32, Ledarna Södra – Christer Olofsson, 0970-765 84


LKAB är en internationell gruv- och mineralkoncern med norra Sverige som bas och hela världen som arbetsplats. Vi leder vägen mot koldioxidfri produktion och vi gör det tillsammans – i en öppen, varm och säker arbetsmiljö med teknologi och utveckling i fokus. Vi välkomnar utmaningar, innovativa idéer och initiativförmåga, alltid med jämställdhet och mångfald i fokus.

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