LKAB issues green bond
LKAB has successfully issued a SEK 2 billion dual tranche green bond with a term of 5,25 years. The bond is the company’s first green bond. The proceeds will be used by LKAB to invest in the transformation of itself into a carbon-free and autonomous mining company of the future.
Sustainability is an integrated part of LKAB’s business and its strategy to ensure long-term competitiveness. The green bond allows investors to be part of the transformation of an industry that is of great significance – including globally – for the sustainable development of society.
“LKAB aims to create value by being one of the most innovative, resource-efficient and responsible mining companies in the world. Integrating sustainability into our financing and offering a green bond fits in perfectly with our strategy,” says Jan Moström, President and CEO of LKAB.
The total bond issue amounts to SEK 2 billion with a tenor of 5,25 years and consists of two tranches, one floating and one fixed. Both tranches will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s Sustainable Bond List. The floating tranche of SEK 550 million was priced at Stibor 3m + 0,65% and the fixed tranche of SEK 1 450 million has a coupon of 0,875%. The bond is issued under LKAB’s Medium Term Note (MTN) programme, with reference to LKAB’s recently launched green bond framework.
Current information about LKAB’s financing and bonds is available here: Financing at
Contact: Frida Dagertun, Financial Communication. Tel: +46 (0)920 – 380 70. E-mail:
Informationen i detta pressmeddelande är sådan som LKAB ska offentliggöra enligt lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument och/eller lagen (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden.