What we believe in

Each of our employees brings a unique skill set, characteristic, condition, and background to our LKAB. That’s important. Through this diversity and inclusion, we can create more innovative solutions and better, climate-efficient products.

People in work clothes in industrial environment


Whether it's age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or functional differences, our workplaces should reflect the diversity of society.

Two people in work clothes and helmets.


Diversity is key to innovation and competitiveness, and our transformation will require an even broader range of skills, experiences, and perspectives.

Aerial view of colourful buildings.


As a company, we are committed to strengthening the communities where we operate, to make it great places to live, work, and play.

Two people in work clothes, glasses and helmets.

Working environment

Every employee should work in a safe, secure and developing environment, so that we can go home healthy, both physically and mentally, at the end of each workday.

Report misconduct

We urge all our employees, our partners, our suppliers and the general public to report suspected misconduct, such as practices and incidents that violate our Code of Conduct, policies, laws, regulations and guidelines.

As an employee with us you should primarily report to your immediate manager, their manager, the HR department or the legal department. External people are encouraged to go via their contact person at LKAB, or the purchasing department, the environmental department, the finance or legal department.

LKAB also provides the whistleblower system SpeakUp, which is an external channel where individuals can anonymously provide information about potentially illegal or unethical misconduct within the company or group.

More information on SpeakUp

One LKAB and our behaviours

Our employees, all with their unique skills and characteristics, are the key to success. The framework "One LKAB" will guide us on the way to achieving our goals. It includes four behaviours that characterise how we act, what decisions we make and what is expected of us who work at LKAB: we deliver, we work as one team, we learn and adapt, and we use resources with respect.


LKAB condemn all forms of corruption and fraud and demand openness, integrity and honesty throughout our value chain, in all countries.

A high level of trust in us as a company is the basis for a successful business and strengthens our competitiveness. We don’t engage in any business that we can’t openly stand for. Our employees do not take or give compensation in the form of gifts, services, travel or entertainment that makes his or her position questionable.

We work preventively and continuously to combat all forms of corruption, through transparent systems and clear follow-up. We follow the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance and every year we are audited by an external auditor.

All documents, registers and reports must be transparent, correct and reliable. LKAB also conduct sustainability audits with suppliers in countries and industries with high corruption and sustainability risks, as well as with suppliers we will work with for a long time.

We have a continuous dialogue with the Sami in our surroundings to understand their interests and find ways to work together.
The Code of Conduct sets the framework for how everyone at LKAB should act. It builds trust in us as a company and is the foundation for a successful business.
There is a guideline to support the work of identifying, respecting and managing risks associated with a negative impact on human rights.