LKAB’s Annual General Meeting 2017

LKAB's Annual General Meeting was held April 27 at Vetenskapens Hus in Luleå. Göran Persson was elected Chairman of the Board, and Gunnar Axheim and Gunilla Saltin were elected as new board members.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) granted the board members and President discharge from liability for the 2016 financial year. The AGM decided that no dividend would be paid for the 2016 financial year.
It was decided that the board would comprise eight members. Leif Darner, Eva Hamilton, Bjarne Moltke Hansen, Hanna Lagercrantz and Ola Salmén were re-elected to the board and Göran Persson, Gunnar Axheim and Gunilla Saltin were newly elected. Göran Persson was elected Chairman of the Board. Sten Jakobsson, Lars Helgesson and Maija-Liisa Friman stepped down from the board.
The registered public accounting firm Deloitte AB was re-elected as auditor. Deloitte AB re-appointed authorized public accountant Peter Ekberg as auditor in charge.
The AGM resolved that the remuneration of board members would be as follows: the chairman will receive SEK 615,000; other board members who are not employee representatives or employees of the Government Offices will receive SEK 270,000. Auditor invoices will be settled on approval.
The AGM resolved to adopt the Board’s proposal for new guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives. The guidelines are consistent with the Government’s employment guidelines for senior executives of state-owned companies as approved on December 22, 2016.
LKAB is an international high-tech minerals group that mines and upgrades the unique iron ore of northern Sweden for the global steel market. Sustainability is core to our business and our ambition is to be one of the industry’s most innovative, resource-efficientand responsible companies. The group had sales of more than SEK 16 billion in 2016 and employs about 4,200 people in 13 countries. Other group business include industrial minerals, drilling systems, rail transport, rockwork services and property management.