LKAB grant recipients 2020: Kjell Törmä and Kiruna Climbing club

Each year LKAB awards an athletics grant and a culture grant, each to the amount of 75,000 SEK. This year's athletics grant will be awarded to Kiruna Klätterklubb and the culture grant goes to Kjell Törmä.
“It is particularly pleasing, in a time marked by the coronavirus pandemic, to announce that LKAB has awarded this year’s athletics and culture grants to Kiruna Klätterklubb and Kjell Törmä,” says Jan Moström, LKAB’s President and CEO.
Kiruna Klätterklubb
Kiruna Klätterklubb has made climbing a very popular sport in Kiruna. This is a very open and inclusive club that welcomes new climbers with open arms. Kiruna Klätterklubb is a meeting place where everyone feels welcome, regardless of age, gender or ethnic origin. Since the roof of Tarfalahallen collapsed, Kiruna Klätterklubb needs moral support to carry its commitment further.
Kjell Törmä
With camera and pen, Kjell Törmä has followed Kiruna’s development for many years. Kjell’s books portray the people, the residents of Kiruna, life around them, the mine, local business and community. Kjell is a driving force behind KirunaTidningen and one of the publication’s founders. After 28 years Kjell leaves KirunaTidningen in order to spend more time documenting Kiruna, its residents and the urban transformation.
LKAB’s athletics and culture grants, each 75,000 SEK (previously 50,000 SEK), have been awarded since 1984. Nominations are from LKAB’s employees and the recipients are designated by LKAB’s group management.
Contact: Tina Benson, General Manager Corporate Communications. Tel: 46 (0) 980 710 85. E-mail:
LKAB is an international high-tech mining and minerals group that mines and upgrades the unique iron ore of northern Sweden for the global steel market. Sustainability is core to our business and our ambition is to be one of the industry’s most innovative, resource-efficientand responsible companies. The group had sales of about SEK 31 billion in 2019 and employs about 4,300 people in 12 countries. Other group business include industrial minerals, drilling systems, rail transport, rockwork services and property management.