Johanna Yngström excited about the future
“We are heading into a very exciting growth journey, and it feels good to be able to contribute to this development.”

As head of quality systems for the Special Products business area, Johanna Yngström has a broad area to cover, and she works with many different types of businesses in different parts of the world.
What do you do at work?
“I work with overall quality issues in the Specialty Products business area. Among other things, it is about helping the business to describe and develop processes and routines, and to develop our management systems, primarily for work environment, environment and quality. It is a very broad area and the tasks vary greatly depending on what the business needs right now. For the past year, for example, I have supported LKAB Wassara in betting their environmental and quality certifications.”
What is most in focus right now?
“Right now we are in the final phase of LKAB Wassara’s environmental- and quality certification, and later in the year the focus will be on work environment certification for them. I also support our businesses in implementing our new common working method, which is called the “management review”. Then we will also implement a common customer-oriented quality key performance indicator (KPI) for the entire business area Special Products.”
What is the most fun and challenging thing about your job?
“The most fun thing is getting to work with many different types of businesses and people in different parts of the world. At the same time, it is also one of the most challenging things as it can be difficult to put it all together a whole. It is a challenge to find the right balance between having everything in common and accomodating the different needs and conditions of the different businesses. Another very positive thing is that we are heading into a very exciting growth journey, and it feels good to be able to contribute to this development and to achieve our goals. We will make this trip together and have good cohesion in the team.”
Why did you start at LKAB?”
“I was looking for new challenges and when I read the job advertisement I recognized the personal qualities that I was looking for, plus that I had experience working with these types of issues. When I met my current manager during the job interview, I also got a very good feeling for the job and the business.”
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
“When I am not working, I like to spend time with family and friends. I watch a lot of movies and series interspersed with being out in nature.”
Facts of life
Name: Johanna Yngström.
Role: Head of Quality Systems, Business Area Special Products.
Worked at LKAB: Since 2018.
Lives: Gällivare, 185 km north of Luleå and 1927 km northeast of Moerdijk (NL).
Last TV series you watched: The Mandalorian.
Best Features: Analytical, structured and development-driven.
Biggest fault: Impatient.
Education: MSc in Industrial Economics.