Launching European alliance to secure access to critical raw materials

Today, the European Union is launching the European Raw Materials Alliance, that LKAB is a partner of, with the ambition to secure access to sustainable raw materials, advanced materials, and industrial processing know-how.
As part of the agenda of this year’s digital EIT Raw Materials Summit the launch of the alliance will be addressed from 14.00 CET.
The European Raw Materials Alliance –
The European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) aims to make Europe economically more resilient by diversifying its supply chains, creating jobs, attracting investments to the raw materials value chain, fostering innovation, training young talents and contributing to the best enabling framework for raw materials and the Circular Economy worldwide.
Minerals are all around us and demand is increasing
Minerals are everywhere around us. In fact, virtually all products and industrial processes are dependent on minerals. At the same time, in Europe, we are largely dependent on imports. Increasing our degree of self-sufficiency is high on the agenda, both nationally and internationally. In addition, a growing global population and the green transition entail increasing demand for minerals.
Turning today’s mining waste into tomorrow’s resources
By recovering and upgrading mine waste, the objective of the ReeMAP project is to produce:
- Phosphorus corresponding to five times Sweden’s demand
- Rare Earth Elements 30% of today’s demand within the EU, up to 100% of specific REEs.
- Fluorine for the chemicals industry and medical applications
- Gypsum to meet demand from all building construction in Sweden