Phosphorus for life
Phosphorus is a nutrient that is fundamental to all living things. It holds the DNA chain together, it is in our skeletons, and plants need it to germinate and grow.
Food production depends on phosphorus
A growing population demands increased food production and input of this fundamental nutrient into croplands is vital. Half of all global agricultural production depends on it.
The addition of phosphorus in the form of mineral fertiliser is an effective means of providing the right amount of nutrient.
Low degree of self-sufficiency in the EU today
In Europe we are dependent on imports; some phosphorus comes from countries and regions with geopolitical problems, conflicts and risks, and much contains a high content of heavy metals such as cadmium. Cadmium exposure is known to cause osteoporosis, implying considerable cost to society, according to national chemicals agencies, even in Sweden, although Sweden has a lower allowable for cadmium levels, owing to an exemption from EU regulations. Our mineral fertiliser will easily satisfy these strict requirements.
In our project, we have the potential to produce several times Sweden’s demand for phosphorus mineral fertiliser.