Courses for suppliers

Here you'll find information about available education courses, such as the mandatory safety training SSG, for you who are an external supplier to LKAB.

Interactive safety training for contractors

The mandatory safety training for contractors is conducted through the SSG website. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Visit the SSG website .
  2. Register your company with name and organisation number.
  3. Register the contact person for the company.
  4. Specify the individuals within the company who need to undergo the training.
  5. Once the individuals have completed the training, the contact person for the company have to attest to this in the system before the training is approved.
  6. Access control can then be carried out by the industrial guard at LKAB, and entry approval granted.

External access to training courses in Workday

In order for you as an external supplier to be able to access our training courses via Workday, you need to register as an external user.

The information needed for suppliers to be able to register is:

All of the above information is needed for the registration to be completed.

Email the information to