Contact sales and support

Do you need support or want to get in touch with our sales people? Please send an e-mail to our general address or contact us directly using the information below.

Iron ore for the steel industry

LKAB’s highly upgraded iron ore products are an enabler for increasing the productivity, sustainability and economics of iron and steel making processes. Our prime grade pellets and concentrates have environmental benefits that result in reduced carbon dioxide emissions and less overall environmental impact. Please contact the iron ore team for more information.

In case of interest in magnetite and other industrial minerals for applications outside the steel industry, please contact the team of LKAB Minerals via the link in the next section for “Other products and services”.

Current iron ore customers can continuously follow information regarding deliveries, such as volumes and product analysis in our Customer Online System.

LKAB has a multitude of documents available for its customers and the general public. You can find our annual and sustainability reports, certificates and a wide range of policy documents, including our Code of Conduct, in our external Mediaflow portal.