Fabriksbyggnad med HYBRIT-logga

Development of carbon-free processes

At the heart of our transformation is the development of carbon-free processes. Using hydrogen and fossil-free electricity, we are transitioning from a production driven by coal and coke.

Through innovative, circular technology and new ways of working, we are developing a carbon-free value chain, from mine to finished product. By producing carbon dioxide-free, high-quality iron ore pellets and, in the future, sponge iron, we increase the value of our products, while enabling significantly reduced carbon dioxide emissions for ourselves and our customers.

Together with our partners in the HYBRIT project, SSAB and Vattenfall, our goal is to develop a completely fossil-free value chain for iron and steel production, with the potential to reduce Sweden’s total carbon dioxide emissions by as much as ten percent.

Flygbild över industriområde

Milestone shift launches in Gällivare

The shift towards carbon dioxide-free sponge iron begins in Gällivare, where our new demonstration plant will pioneer the industrial-scale implementation of the HYBRIT process. This milestone facility aims to yield around1-1.5 million tonnes of sponge iron annually.

Hybrits pilotanläggning i Luleå

Six years of research paves the way for fossil-free iron and steel production

The results of the pilot phase shows that direct reduced iron produced with the HYBRIT process has superior characteristics compared to iron produced with fossil fuels. The project is now continuing in the next phase where the process is to be implemented on an industrial scale.

Drönarbild över älv i skogslandskap

A gradual transformation for the climate

LKAB’s transition to carbon dioxide-free products and processes has the potential to help reduce carbon emissions from our customers worldwide by 40-50 million tons per year, equivalent to almost the entire annual greenhouse gas emissions of Sweden today. We will go from being one of Sweden’s largest emitters to being a part of the solution.