The opportunities and the challenges attracted Maria
Five quick questions to Maria Reinholdsson, who joined us as our new Senior VP HR in May.
1. How does it feel to be at LKAB?
— It feels great; interesting, exciting and fun. I have been well received and I feel welcome. It’s very rewarding to familiarise myself with an industry that is new to me. Part of my introduction was a tour of an iron ore mine, which was fascinating; a whole new world for me.
2. What attracted you to the role of Senior VP HR at LKAB?
— I have long had a positive image of the company. The name LKAB has always sounded right to me. Above all, what attracted me most were the big opportunities, but also the great challenges. The company is in an exciting phase right now and it feels good to be taking part in the transition towards a sustainable future.
3. How are we going to address the issue of recruiting the qualified personnel we need?
— There is no easy answer to that question, and no simple solution. If we want to get people to move to Norrbotten, a lot of things in society and civic life have to work well. I think we will succeed in attracting people, thanks partly to the environment and surroundings here, and partly because the company has much to offer in terms of opportunities for development for our employees. It’s a complex situation and it will demand a combination of many different forms of work and collaboration.
4. What is most exciting right now?
— Meeting the demand for qualified personnel is partly a matter of attracting new co-workers, but also of retaining and developing the people we already have in the company, in order to secure the conditions for our future operation and transition. It is very exciting to meet so many new people every day and to get to know LKAB.
5. What have you looked forward to during the summer?
— First of all, to meet summer in Luleå. Then, I’ll have my vacation. I look forward to spending a week in Italy, where we have rented a house. It’s going to be so nice to just take life easy, be together with family and friends, and just relax.
- Name: Maria Reinholdsson
- Role: Senior Vice President HR at LKAB
- Lives in: Stockholm, Bromma. Commutes to Luleå.
- Family: Husband and two children, 14 and 18.
- Bakground: Has worked as an HR manager for most of her career. 14 years at Vattenfall and 10 years at Telenor. Studied Human Resources Management at Umeå University and did an MBA at Edinburgh Business School.
- Leisure interest: I like to train outdoors. Right now I’m working on a mini classic. I love to travel, preferably to far-away destinations. I spend a lot of time by the footbal pitch, watching my children play.